Decorative Throw
Decorative throw blankets are available in a wide range of styles and materials and will give a room everything from a elegant to a rustic look. Choose a throw to coordinate with a particular home decor theme or holiday color scheme as a personalized touch.


  • Choose a throw blanket to accent your couch. Pick a floral or patterned throw, such as a red floral print, to decorate a neutral-colored couch. Go for an elegant style with an elegant look.

  • Fold the throw blanket so you can drape it neatly over the couch. Fold a large throw width-wise and place it over the back of a three-seat couch so that it hangs evenly over both sides.

  • Fold a large throw length-wise if you have a two-seat couch. Drape the folded throw over one arm and down the back of the couch, being careful not to let it touch the ground. Place it down the center of the couch, over the cushions and down the back.

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